Wednesday, August 16

A Mini-Vacation, or Just Me Being Lazy?

 The last couple weeks of work have been making me quite grumpy. Work 8 hours one day, the next only 2, rinse, repeat. It gets frustrating. As of today, I have not worked since last Thursday. Last night I finally decided to send an email this morning. Basically, I said due to the length this project has been extended from the estimated length when I was hired (14 weeks versus the 4 weeks I was told) Life had other things planned that I would not be able to attend any work hours, if work was provided, this week. I would check in early next week, if the project continued, and update from that point.

So basically, I am trying to remove myself from this project. I'm tired of it, at least the part where they cannot keep enough work for us to complete. I knew getting into this line of work there would be 'breaks' between projects, but this is pretty much the first time the breaks are in the project. I would much rather be re-assigned to something that can be 8-hours/day, even if it were only in 2-week intervals, rather than a piecemeal crap like this.... sigh. I'm getting angry.

Heh. Just got a responding email that they look forward to my return on the 21st.... suckers.

Not much else going on. Loving the computer set-up. haven't really sat down to play the couple of games that required my upgrades, but will soon.

Think I may go back to bd for a couple hours this morning...


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