Tuesday, August 29

Bored Notifications, Being 'Sick' Sucks

 Ugh. I did try to go back to bed this morning about 5am, but all I did was toss around, cough, and wish I would fall asleep. By the time my alarm went off near 8am, I decided I was not going to work today. I feel so tired, my chest actually hurts, though still there are no other symptoms. Heck, even hardly any mucus when I cough. It just sucks feeling this way. And I am so tired at this point.

So while I am awake and not working, on a whim I went to check the stats for the ol' blog. I'm giving a shameless plug for StatCounter.com, as it is the site I use (for free) to give me limited stats and true visitor counts. One of the many features is location as well. As I was checking mine, and looking at the world map, I noticed one in Kansas, SE of Wichita. So I was nearing in on it (on the map) and it is a marker, in the middle of a lake. Someone out fishing? Then saw another that had several visits down south of Tucson in Sahuarita (never heard of it). Interesting. I happened to check RM's blog, as I put it on the site as well, and she had at least the same lake pin-point for a user as well. Weird.

Welp, I think I am going to go find something else to waste my time on, and in a bit go try to get some sleep again. Maybe some more updates later...


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