Wednesday, August 30

They Got Me!

 It's just after noon on this Wednesday as I sit and try to type this post out. I'm sicker than a ...well, I'm pretty sick. Woke this morning to congestion, watery eyes, sore throat, the chest congestion dropped deeper... and I ache - ALL OVER. I mean, my hair hurts. I was feeling better yesterday, but it must have been the eye of the storm. Wife said there was some dayquil with our meds, so I have taken a couple today already. Need to be better by Saturday.

I emailed off to work this morning that I would not be online today. Thankfully they messaged back that the team is in a holding pattern anyways, and to await further instruction to our home emails. Kinda good.

Here's a crappy topic. I have been 'backed up' for the past 4-5 days. Not a good thing when I usually go at least once a day. I thought we had some exlax here, but I can't find it. So I went and 'forced' some action. Very little action. But after sleeping a couple hours, I feel a little nudge there, so maybe ready to do some more. Let's go find out...


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