Monday, August 7

Mr Sandman Needs to Quit

 Hello 3:15am. Why no, I would love to be awake and not be able to get a full eight hours sleep. No, it won't be any problem at all to stay awake all day whilst trying to work. Sarcasm is always good, right? Well, if anything good comes out of today it will be I can start at 6am, and not have to wait until 8 like some days. Which means I will be done by 2pm, and will be able to take a nap (hopefully).

Where did the weekend go? Saturday, the Wife and I did some shopping for food - trying to stock up on some things that the Youngest can take to school for lunches, and some things for me to snack on whilst working. Trying to keep it healthy (more for me than Youngest) but still had to get a couple flavors of Lays chips I had not seen nor tried: Hot Mustard (which are VERY tasty) and Cuban sandwich (which makes me want to try an actual Cuban sandwich). Afterwards, I called RM, and we went over to visit since we were near them at that point. Had a nice visit, and left when my brother showed up for other reasons. Went to the VFW that night. Bought tickets for their Queen of Hearts draw, and ended up winning a $0.25 drink, and the chance to draw the Queen - which I didn't get (only the King of Diamonds) but still won $25.00 for the card. I only spent $20 in tickets.

Sunday I putzed around the house. Caught up on some reading of blogs, some game time, finished up season one of "The Lincoln Lawyer" on Netflix. The show isn't too bad.... Then was in bed about 10:30pm. See why I am not happy about being awake this early?

Today will be interesting. I think there is enough work to do to get the 8-hour day in, but not much thereafter, so not sure about tomorrow. Thursday I have a doctor appointment so would be short day anyways...if we are still working on this project.

Guess that is all I got....


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