Wednesday, August 2

I Just Cannot Be Happy ....

 Yesterday, I only was able to work about 5 1/2 hours. Why? Because the Company ran out of work for me to complete (again), and stated they would not have anything ready until 8am (my time) today. That means, I would have to work 8-4 just to get my hours, which I hate working that late in the day... But here is the kicker... I logged in the system at 7:50am, see a note to all of the team about work being ready at 8am. I logged into the work program, and grab the first set of files. Suddenly I have a Manager texting me, complaining I didn't read the notes, and files weren't ready until 8am. I explained the time differences, and how it is 8am where I am at. Then they said, well, I actually grabbed the work at 7:57 and not at 8 when they were to be released. 

Sigh. What is one to think? So now I am just frustrated and the day has hardly begun. Other People's Children, am I right?

Nothing exciting going on in life. Youngest back to school on Monday. Work when I can, twiddle my thumbs when I ain't working.


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