Monday, July 31

Monday Morning Pout

 Yeah, I'm pouting. I was truly hoping this project would reach its end, but alas, it has not. I logged in this morning, and there was more stuff that needed to be completed. This whole hired on for a 4-week, and now it has reached 13-weeks.... They sure don't budget things well is all I can think. But hey, my paycheck is a paycheck.

Not much went on this weekend. Saturday took my car up to the wash, then ran the Son's and Wife's car to the band car wash they were having that morning. Afternoon at the Post, though didn't stay late. Swung by my brother's for a short visit. Sunday just did things around the house. Was going to take Youngest out for more driving practice, but he got involved in one of his online games with friends, so we are going to try this afternoon when I finish up work for the day.

Youngest did his walk-through registration this last week. This next Monday school starts. No Zero Hour band practices (yay!) but he had to give up an elective as he had to schedule for band for 4th hour. Weird how they did it this year. I really am not liking the way this new band director has changed things around (compared to the other 11 years the kids attended band). Glad this is his last year.

Had the third storm/shower in the last week come through last night. I know the Wife woke me coming to bed, mentioned it was raining again. Around 1:15am I woke and heard thunder still. Good to get some rain, though earlier in the week the wind was gusting up to 60 mph and over on the East Valley, it was pretty damaging. Luckily nothing bad near us.

Guess I should stop stalling and get some work done.


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