Wednesday, July 12

The Good and The Bad

 We decided to return home Monday evening from our three-day trip to Tucson. That would leave us Tuesday to 'rest up' and be ready to return to work on Wednesday. The Wife and I talked about the trip, and both said that it was a good one, though we didn't get out and do many things, we did have some quality time with the family. Even the Youngest had some fun playing with his niece, and board games with his BIL and Sister.

Not much happened yesterday. I was so tired from the trip (not sleeping well, and the drive the night before) that I slept until noon. The Wife didn't rouse from bed until 1, telling me she hadn't meant to sleep that late. I told her she must have needed it, and be glad she didn't have to work that day. I took the Youngest to the school (drum line practice) and went to hang out with some friends. I had checked in with work earlier in the day, and see they still are plodding along, so today I am back at it.

Daughter is coming up to the Valley tomorrow, and staying through Sunday. However, she is doing a scrapbooking convention thingy with her MIL, and they are staying on the south side of the Valley. We probably will not have a chance to visit with her again, but she said her family will be back up the following weekend.

Youngest starts his band camp this next week. Two weeks of 8-5 M-Thursday practices. The Oldest and Middle Sons are in the middle of moving this week. They had been sharing an apartment for the past couple years or so, and as their lease expires, have decided to go separate ways. They still are living within a half mile of each other. They have not asked for any help from the Wife or I, which is probably good, as we aren't able to help with heavy lifting. 

Welp, I guess I should get back to the work thing.


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