Sunday, July 23

Need More Weekend Time

 Yesterday seemed busy, but it wasn't. The Wife and I went out for breakfast - Youngest didn't want to wake up to go with us. We went to place called Otto's Diner, that I knew it had been several years since I was last there. I don't know if I just don't remember, but I was very unimpressed with the food. I thought the portions were a bit small for the prices, and honestly, it really did not taste very good - especially my biscuit and gravy. You don't mess with my B&G!! I made a mental note to not go to this place again. Which is fine, as I like Ronnie's Cafe better.

Most of the midday was spent messing around on the computer, and I watched a movie. Near 5pm, the Wife and I left to head down to the VFW. It was the monthly steak dinner, and I had told her she needed to go. For $20 you get one heck of a meal. I ate all mine, and she about half. Well worth the $40. Then it was back home, and I played on the computer until about 10, then bed.

This morning I am up around 8, as I evidently set an alarm for today at that time. Oops. Changed that real quick. Google has made some changes to my settings, as last night I told it to sync among all my devices. My bookmarks have changed (old ones deleted long ago reappeared) and all my sites that have log-ins, require I log in again. And the tabs background color is now like a turquoise instead of white. Weird. Tentative plans to take Youngest out for more driving practice early afternoon. Dinner out with the Daughter and Family, plus maybe the other two sons as well, this evening. I really don't feel like attending to work again tomorrow....sigh.


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