Sunday, July 16

Because I Don't Want To Do It In The Morning ....

 Sunday night post, because I feel lazy already, and don't feel like doing it in the morning. Not much to share, or say. Work continues on, going into week ten (I believe) when I was hired on for a four week project. It is work, no worries there, but it isn't a steady 4-=hour work week. The hitches where they don't have additional work ready for us (if there is any) kills my hours more than working a new project, but it is what it is. Not sure exactly how much is there, since I worked a partial day Friday, but I knew there was enough to carry into Monday at least.

RM and PT went out of town this last week. One of my nephews had his wedding over in California. I guess they traveled via a rented RV and a single car. The drive out was a long one for them (about 14 hours) and I read RM's blog about some of the events over the weekend. As they travel home tonight (prolly arriving late) I hope they have no travel issues with vehicles.

Youngest starts the two week band camp tomorrow. It is to prep them all for the start of marching season. This new director they have, who started last year, has not been on my good side of things. I have not liked the many changes she made last year, and even more this year. After putting three other kids through the music program with different directors, these changes are, to me, just overly drastic. Certain practices take even more time away from being with family in the evenings, when it was never needed before. Thankfully this is his last year there (he's a senior), and all this will go away... just one school year.

So, this is where I sit as we start this week. Uncertain work times/days; adjustment to having to take extra time to accommodate Youngest and his band camp schedule; working on issues with one of the cars... seems like it never ends, right? Adulting sucks.


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