Friday, August 4

TGIF, and I Mean It!

 I am so happy it is Friday, and the end of the work week for me. The Company has been so... weird lately, and I am just getting tired of it. Yesterday again was only a little more than a half day at work, and I have no idea what to expect today. It is one of those "Don't touch the work until a certain time" days.... <eyeroll>. Well, it is 8:05am and I should get to work. I waited for someone else to grab the first set of docs, so I wouldn't get "yelled" at... Looks like they loaded enough we should be busy full-time today, and probably most of Monday (I hope). Geez, 14 weeks on a project I was hired on to that the estimate was 4 weeks.

Nothing special going on this weekend. Too hot to do anything much outside. Youngest asked about going to friend's houses both days, and we probably will let him. Maybe the Wife and I can get out on a couple lunch dates with him gone over at friends'. Maybe to the movies - I want to see that movie "Oppenheimer'. 

Guess I should cut this short - like I got much else to share today...


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