Friday, August 11

An Open Friday

 As I started into work yesterday, we received notice that there would be no follow up work to be completed once the current supply ran out. So, in other words, I only worked about an hour yesterday. We were told that there probably would not be any more for today (Friday) and they were not even sure about Monday, but requires us to check in on Monday morning for more information. Okay, fine. But that is almost three days with no pay, and that is before they 'release' us to other projects. Sigh. I do like having a couple days off though.

Today I am not doing much. Going to try to work on my desk here at home, clearing it off more from the accumulation. My newer and bigger monitor arrived early this week, and Saturday I will be bringing home my new computer to set up. It will be nice to have two monitors set up, work will be a bit easier. I plan on meeting with my buddy for lunch today as well. It would be nice to just hang out and talk, and not at the bar.

Saturday we are headed to Tucson. The SIL is the one building my computer, and he and the Youngest will work on it. Some time with the Doodad would be great. I see ice cream in my near future! We are only going down for the day, so will return late Saturday night. Sunday I will be finishing clearing the desk and getting things set up; the programs I need for work, other games to download/transfer to the new system. Hopefully that will not cause much aggravation and work properly.

Think I may go lay back down with my table to read a bit today...


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