Monday, March 2

Blah Blah Blah

You know it is bad when you even feel like it is Monday, and it truly is a Monday. Ug!

Sorry my life has been pretty boring lately. I had to take a few days off to have something happen around here worthy of mention.

I mentioned before about the youngest son turning three. Hopefully for tomorrow I will have a pic or two of him to put up, as long as I get the camera from the Wife.

My daughter is doing the spring musical of 'Grease' at school. She plays the part of Marty Marischino, one of the Pink Ladys. We went Saturday night to watch it. Imagine, if you can, two hours 'Grease' songs being sung mostly off key, and the technical department kept screwing up the music so part of the time there was none to try to even match tone to. Overall I guess it wasn't too terrible considering it is only high school.

The oldest son has a concert tonight for the regional grade school band.

Guess that is pretty much it for the moment. I am off to watch some TV.


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