Saturday, December 5

We're off to the show!

It's been another slow week around the house here. Trying to get things in order, to figure out what shopping still needs to be done for whom, and when am I supposed to go do that. Yeah... I need a list. I can't just "go looking" for a gift for someone. I'll never find anything.

And my wife's birthday is Tuesday - guess who is screwed?

Soooo, what else is new? Well, today my daughter had an Honor band concert. Seems her's is the only HS district to do it, but they compete (similar to Regionals) for chair position, and then have a concert. She made 4th chair out of 6 high schools. This Thursday she has a choir concert - at the same time as the oldest son's Christmas concert for band. Again! You'd think the damn school district would not schedule things like this for the third year in a row!!! My god! I can't be the only one with kids in HS and grade school!!!

Okay... and tomorrow, we are going to see Trans Siberian Orchestra, for the third year. My wife and I really enjoy it, and the kids have as well. Tickets were bought months ago, and I almost missed the date. I was thinking it was next weekend....

My brother Stuman is off to Germany today for two weeks for some Army stuff. He called yesterday. He has started a tradition thing where every time he goes to Germany, he brings me back a stein. He called to see which ones I had again, and he is trying for another this time as well.

We ordered the announcements for the daughter's upcoming graduation. Over the next three months, I am sure we will be getting the needed addresses from family members and friends for her to bankrupt us with getting postage for them.

Ok. That's all I got for today.


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