Sunday, August 28

Feeling Muggy

One thing we don't associate with Arizona, especially the valley area where I live, is moisture. Right now the east coast of the US is dealing with Hurricane Irene, and in Phoenix, we are dealing with a tag-remnant of our regular monsoon season. Though, I will admit, it is feeling a bit worse than usual due to the higher range of temperatures we have been having the past week. I have been out here about 25 years, and you get somewhat adjusted to the weather patterns, and this week has been MUGGY for us. Granted we aren't having 100+ temps with 90+ humidity, but it is still uncomfortable.

We had a newer (for us) AC/Heater unit placed on the house a few years ago. Which was nice, as the AC was pretty much not working before. We had gone through previous summers with just the swamp cooler, and that was worthless during monsoons. This year, through one previous weekend with extremely record-high temps, I had to shut it down for a few hours, as it seemed to freeze up over-working. The past couple days I have tried that again, and it seems to help a bit, except the l;ate afternoon (now) when it is the hottest part of the day, and it just can't seem to get cool enough. I know 90% of it is the house is just too damn old. Needs new everything it seems.

So, I am off to take a nice shower, and see if that will help get rid of this feeling like I am soaked in ucky sweat. I know we are looking forward to going out to dinner tonight - someplace with cool air, and good food!


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