Wednesday, December 31

The Eve of Something Big

Want to know what it is? Yeah, me too. I am sure someone, somewhere, has some super-special thing happening in their lives, that would only occur this one time, that being today/tonight. Not at the d00d house....

Tonight will be spent doing the same as any other given night. I do not get off early today, so will be driving in the early party hours (for those that start early), Once I get home, I am sure there will be supper, then most of the evening will be spent listening to the two younger boys argue while they play on the computer, while I sit at mine trying to find something to do. At least, that is how it went last night.

When we a re few minutes from midnight, I am sure we will pull up the count-down clock on the computer, or maybe even on the television, and watch the last 2-3 minutes. I think the last couple of years, I was in bed before that time came around, and I expect I will be again this year. No excitement for me to watch the end of another year.

Many good things happened in 2014 for my family. There were a few bad things that happened as well. Not much different than any other year. Next year be better? Worse? I don't know, but it is pretty much here either way, ready I am ready for it or not.

Resolutions? I don't do them. Are there things I would like to change about myself? Sure. Will I do anything about them? I don't know. Somethings aren't important as others, and some, well, I'm just pretty stuck in my ways.

What about you? Resolutions? Ideas? Goals? Yeah, I don't really care, but I tried to sound like I did.


Monday, December 29

The Last Few Days

It's the 29th, meaning there are only a few days left until the end of the year. Yeah. I know. Real exciting.

Another messed up work week for me, having Thursday off. I should be happy, as it will be another five months until I have another holiday off (plus a few days vacation). Maybe I should use a day or two before then ....

Still feel like I in recovery mode from this last week. I guess the kids enjoying their Christmas gifts even after a few days is a good thing.

I feel pretty tired today, even though I got a good night's rest. Not sure if it because I need some more, or just had too much. Either way, I know it will wear off as the day goes on, because it is about time to head to work.


Friday, December 26

After-Christmas Fall-out

It is back to work for me today. The Wife has to return to work as well. The Daughter and boys have headed over to the MIL's house for the day, and I am working on waking up, even though I did go to bed early last night. I should find me something to eat for breakfast, and get my shoes on, though I don't need to leave for at least an hour yet.

Christmas. I have said many times before about how much I dislike the commercialization of the holiday. Even still, it is nice to see some family, and then be able to leave. We did our usual - ours, MIL's, then RM's places for the exchanging/opening of gifts. Everyone seemed to like what they received. Had lunch at RM's - nothing fancy: ham sandwiches, home made potato salad, some kind of cranberry bread. It was good and simple, which I like. The youngest son has been sick the past couple days, so was a bit worn out (I thought) yesterday afternoon, but upon arriving home, he proceeded to put together several Transformers toys he had gotten (snap-together pieces). The older two boys played on the playstation 3 (?) their sister brought up. The Wife had a migraine, and passed out for the rest of the day/night. I was tired enough for a nap, but felt if I did, I wouldn't sleep good that evening, so I played some WoW.

Yeah. Nothing tremendously standing out about the day, but it was a good one anyways. Back to work today, then the weekend off. Next week is New Year's, but we don't do anything special for it. I have RM talked into maybe making my family some ribs and cole slaw for New Year's, but haven't decided for sure yet. I probably won't, even though I was giving her some grief about not making either this year. I hope she knows I do it in teasing fun, and that I enjoy them that much. If not, she does now.

Got some other things to do before work.


Monday, December 22

I'm Not Ready For Work (again)

I got some resting in this weekend, in the sense that I was "working hard". After being sick, taking it a bit easy was nice. I was plenty tired Saturday night, as the Wife and I had pretty much finished up all her shopping for Christmas. It was a bit more walking than I had planned on, but I slept good that night. The Boys had gone over to RM's to do some baking  and making of Christmas treats, as she likes to do that each year with each of our families. About the time we finished the shopping, they were ready to be picked up, so timing worked out well.

Which reminds me I need to get to RM's next weekend to clear out some adware she has somehow gotten on her computer, and transfer some pics, etc from another system she is giving to someone. So, RM, if you read this, make a note to remind me as I will probably forget. Besides, you need to let me know what time is good for you.

So feeling rested. No signs of my stomach bug going around the family, but a new one has cropped up. The Wife has been sniffling and the middle son as well. She had a light-grade fever yesterday, but as of this morning, fever was gone so she can go to work. The middle son has a fever now. I am hoping they shirk it all pretty quick and not pass it around. No one likes to be sick on holidays.

I only get Christmas day off this week, but just due to the holiday, I am sure most of the days will be light duty work for me. Many people gone, or have relatives in town, etc, don't schedule servicing of the appliances as a rule, unless it is a major one they need. Plus, some of the techs are on vacation. I know the one I drive the furthest west for (a good hour drive total there and back into town) is off this week. That'll shorten my drive time, but have to readjust for the other guys to allow them time to get home now. Tonight will be regular, as I have to pick up his paperwork from the weekend.

Guess that is about all I got for now.


Friday, December 19

Weak Comeback

I have been sick the past couple of days. Some stomach bug. Started Wednesday at work, where I proceeded to be sick, but stuck out the rest of my shift. Thursday I called in sick - something I haven't done in years. I spent all day yesterday pretty much in bed. I didn't want to sleep all day, thinking it would be hard to sleep that night, but could not help it. Sleep decently last night. Today I am returning to work since the fever is gone and I am able to hold down food. Still a bit weak feeling, and achey, but I really don't want to miss any work.

The Boys are officially on Christmas break from school. I guess RM is going to have them over part of the day tomorrow to do her annual cooking with the grandkids time. I believe she has other times planned for my siblings' kids as well.

Not much else to say today. Not looking forward to work.


Tuesday, December 16

MFFF! I'm Full!

This morning I went and got my Christmas bonus from work. Basically, it was the Boss treating the West Side technicians to breakfast at a restaurant called, aptly, "The Place". I have had breakfast there before with PT, so was prepared for the portion-sizing they serve - which is humongous! I settled for what I thought would be a bit smaller, a chorizo omelet with hash browns and biscuits & gravy. I ate it all, but I will not be hungry until late today I am sure. For a Christmas bonus, it'll have to do. Last year we received $25 gift cards for Fry's Food stores. This year is breakfast for the West Side, and Thursday, they are ordering in Olive Garden for lunch for the East Side techs and our shop. The Bossman said I could do both, but I think I will be skipping the lunch.

I finished up nearly all my shopping I had in mind for the season. There is one other gift I know the Wife and I want to go see about, which will probably happen this weekend. I have to wrap anything, but at least I think I am done, aside from waiting for the delivery of a couple items I ordered online. I seriously doubt the Wife is done. She is one of the world's greatest procrastinators.

While out shopping last Saturday, I ran by Verizon. My bluetooth earpiece had lost the rubber cap piece - the one that goes on the part that goes into your ear. I was surprised they do not carry replacements. I would have to purchase a whole new earpiece, or the other option the rep said was to contact the manufacturer of the device. Really? As we were leaving though, he stepped outside and mentioned to check Radio Shack, as they sometimes carry the extra pieces. Instead, I went home and searched for the replacement pieces that came with it, and took a razor blade to one of the other pieces, that had extra thingies (I don't know what they are called) on it, supposedly to hold it in your ear. I use an ear clip so don't need them. Needless to say, it works.

Welp, I got some time before I need to go to work. I should spend some time int he reading room, so it won't bother me when I am rushing to get my drive done this evening.


Friday, December 12

Full of Nada

Yep. Got a whole lot of nothing to write about today. My back is still bothering me, and I have no clue as to what I have done to it, or how to fix it without going to some sort of doctor - which I probably won't do. Maybe all I need is a good couple of days to rest it, but we know that is not happening soon. This weekend is full of finishing up some shopping, and that's it far as I am concerned. Hopefully have it all done within a couple hours on Saturday, then have the rest of the weekend to do whatever.

No company Christmas party for me. There wasn't one last year either. Last year we got $20 Fry's gift cards (Fry's food stores). This year, all I know is Thursday they are having Olive Garden brought in for lunch. The Westside techs, because the shop is across town from them, are meeting for breakfast that same morning at The Place, which isn't a bad breakfast place at all. My boss, who is spearheading both meals, said I could do both, since I live on the westside, and then I could have lunch as it is when I go into work anyways. I told him no, as I felt it was taking advantage of the company, and he looked at me funny. I know. It's weird, but I feel like that would be taking advantage of a nice thing the company is doing - why should I be the only one allowed to have both meals for free? I am not saying I don't deserve it ....but still.

Toothache is still there ... sort of. I remember back when I had braces, and would go in for an adjustment (tightening). For a week afterwards my mouth would be sore due to the teeth being adjusted to the new position. This is pretty much the same thing I think. It is less pain each day, but still enough to be an inconvenience. Hopefully by the first of the week (or sooner) it will stop. Otherwise, I may have to have a damn root canal, and I hate thinking about that.

Wow, for a whole lot of nothing, there was something.


Tuesday, December 9

The Sound of Dentistry

This morning I am actually looking forward to going to the dentist. My regular check-up is not scheduled until later this month, but I had to schedule an emergency visit due to some pain. I am a bit worried about it, as the pain was pretty solid since Friday, though was able to be minimized a bit by ibuprofen, until this morning, where it doesn't seem to be bothering me at all. But still, I will be going to attempt to find out what the problem is. The location of the pain seems to be centered around a tooth I recall the dentist saying he was "keeping an eye on", though, the one behind it just had a crown put on it in July, I fear that the seal (of crown against tooth) is broken and now requires a root canal. That would be my luck. More expensive, and where a preventative measure did not work Sigh. I am getting all down int he dumps about it.

Even worse, being an emergency type scheduling, I will be later getting into work today, so will be rushing around all afternoon trying to get somewhat back onto my normal schedule. Doubt it will happen, which will make me be later in running my route tonight. Joy. But maybe the tooth issue will be fixed ... I hope.

Still having some back pain. I did pick up a new pair of shoes with support on Saturday, and yesterday my back seemed to hurt not as bad as before. I know it will take several days to get things back to normal, if it was the shoes causing the problem. By the end of the week I should know for sure.

Friday, December 5

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

My back has been bothering me again. I can't seem to grasp the idea, that something I have done so recently (ie. moved the wrong way, or "slept crooked", or lifted something wrong) is causing all this discomfort. Of course, since I have four hours of time to basically just "think", I believe I have figured out what is causing the pain.

My shoes.

About three to four weeks ago, the pair of shoes I used for work had worn/torn a hole in the side of them, basically making them unable to worn to work. Unable to get out immediately to replace them, I fell back on the pair of shoes I had used prior to the recent pair, as a temporary solution, until I got as chance to get to the store to get a new pair. The difference between the two pairs of shoes, was quite drastic, the newer pair having been a shoe more designed for those that are on their feet throughout the day. Basically, I believe my body adjusted to the added padding/support, which the earlier pair did not/does not have, thus, after a week of having to "readjust" to the old pair, my body has created this back pain.

Even the Wife thinks this may be the case, and she's a physical therapist, so it has got to be a leading cause. That first Saturday a couple weeks back, I had been wearing my sandals (it was a Saturday morning) and we all know they have no support, but I think it just brought out the aggravation my back was dealing with, in adjusting to returning to my old shoes. Obviously, I have not had a chance to get new ones yet, but will be doing that tomorrow. So now I need to get through today with a sore back. I have been lucky most of the week there has not been many heavy parts to be lifted.

I'm off to find something for breakfast.


Monday, December 1

Cue the Christmas Music

I'm not one to get all "into" celebrating a holiday, but I do want everyone else, consumer/company/radio station/whatever, to respect the holiday. Every year, we start hearing of Christmas sales, or music, or people setting up their decorations - earlier and earlier. Drives me nuts! Aside from having to see some decorated yards, and one of the local stations playing solid 24 hours/day music since about the beginning of November, everyone is now able to proceed to the Christmas holiday. Thanksgiving has passed, and today is December 1st - have at it!

My back has pretty much recovered from whatever muscle strain I did to it last weekend. Luckily a light week in lifting things for work helped give more time to heal up. As of this morning, there is still a twinge, but I think that is more from maybe sleeping in weird position or something. Yeah, I am still working the morning kinks out.

The Wife made my coveted turkey enchiladas last night, and we still have several containers of leftovers in the fridge. Plus I had swung by RM's on Friday for the giblet gravy, some stuffing, and ended up with some home made biscuits and gravy (which the gravy was frickin' awesome!) and some cranapple cobbler (or something). Don't know if we will manage to get through all the leftovers before they go bad, but it looks like the Wife won't have to cook for quite at least a week.

I meant to try to get out this weekend to do some shopping. The Wife has her birthday a week from today, plus there are presents to look for for her and the kids. I pretty much have ideas of what I want to buy, and it is just a matter of getting out to do it. I blew off this weekend, thinking that it is probably going to be the busiest with Black Friday deals lasting all weekend. Guess I will HAVE to go by next Saturday. Most evenings I am too tired to deal with shopping and crowds. Wait, that's all the time.
