Saturday, May 8

I Got Lost on the Way

Well, sure feels that way this past week. I haven't been able to direct my attention to this site, not that I would have alot of anything to talk about.

Still trying to get the daughter to get her damn graduation announcements out in the mail.

Boys got their school pics in, so I suppose I will have them scanned and put up soon.

Stuman wants to take me out to lunch sometime. He's always griping about money, so I don't know why he is offering to pay for my lunch. Seems there is a Toby Keith bar and grill place over near his side of town, and he went there for lunch today. Says they got a plate there called something like the "100 Ouncer" and it costs $30, you have like an hour to eat the whole meal, and all you get, if you eat it all, is a $15 off coupon for the next visit. I'm thinking, 100 oz of steak? No. But he said it is like 16 oz fries, 10 oz bun, etc.... whole meal though. He said he couldn't imagine anyone eating that much, but wondered if I would do it, and that is why he is offering to buy my lunch, to see if I can. I told him to talk to my in a couple weeks when he can afford it, and we can set up a date. I wanna see if I can too.

Other than that, this week has been a slow one. Just biding time until the vacation trip.

Funny, that Stuman called about the lunch thing, shortly after that I got another call from "Pure Fitness". Seems my BIL and Sis had put me in for a guest pass there (2 free week membership basically) back when they joined and now they are needing people I guess. They finally called me up to see when I wanted to come in for my "evaluation". I think I may schedule that for after that lunch. Lord knows I will need it.


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