Wednesday, October 13

Back to Feeling Okay

Yeah, that whole Monday post didn't turn out so hot. I still ended up going out that night, and imbibing a few too many. I wasn't worth shit yesterday. Probably didn't matter, as Warcraft was doing a patch, and was down all day anyways.

So here we are on Wednesday. My boys are out of school this week, so I am thinking about having one of them stay home today with me. Not only does it give me some 1-on-1 time, it helps keep me from doing stupid shit, like going to the bar. I think I will start with the oldest, so I guess I should think of some ideas for us to do.

Nothing else exciting going on. Waiting to hear from the sleep study people, so I can get that done. Will probably be another week before I hear from thh doc on the blood test and x-ray results. In the meantime, I am just plodding along. Dinner last night was good, and I was able to keep myself to one decent served portion. I still felt hungry afterwards, but not as much. Though, I did drink quite a bit of water throughout the day. and that may have helped.

Thinking about running to the store for snacks... Maybe, maybe not.


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