Friday, July 27

Hello To Early Mornings (Coming Soon)

Yesterday, my oldest son started the second phase of this year's Band Camp. It consisted of a morning session (starting at 6:30) and ending at 2:30. Next week would begin with the first four days being the same, and add in evening practices from 7-9pm. I tiredly sigh, as I know I will be the one that has to be up early to get him up, ready, and to practice on time. Somehow that all changed yesterday. The morning session was stopped 2 hours early, and all next week was changed to evening practices from 4-9pm. Whoa! I don't have to get up early! WooHoo! Then I caught myself. He still has early registration on Tuesday, so that will be an early morning. As well as school starting 8/13, which means four days of the week I will be taking him to school for early hour band, which entails getting up early. I am so not looking forward to doing this the next 12 years. I say 12 years, as the oldest son, as he graduates, the next son starts HS. So if they all continue playing instruments, it looks to be 12 straight years to get through the three boys.

Not that it is such a bad thing.

It is Friday, and today all the boys are home with me. It's already after 8am, and I am surprised the middle son is not up begging to play on the computer. He is the early riser of the three of them. The other two, well, they would sleep until noon if I let them. No major plans this weekend. The Daughter is coming up to visit, and I have made plans for Saturday night to go out to eat with her boyfriend invited along. He made the paper in Florence (a small town). It was an article about him doing an internship at the local mining company.

What else I got for you today? Hmmm.... The middle son has a birthday coming up in a week and a half. He'll be turning 10. I have no clue what to get him for a present(s). I am thinking a bicycle, as he has asked for one. I think the one he has now is getting a bit small for him. I'll have to see if I can find a good price on one.

Think that is all I got for now. Middle son just woke and gave me my good morning hugs. He's off to get the animals fed and get breakfast before playing on the computer.


1 comment:

Joe said...

This fall will mark the first time in twenty years I will not be getting a kid up for school. My youngest will be heading off for college in a couple of weeks.