Wednesday, July 11

When It Rains, It Pours

I was up early this morning, probably about 6am. When I went to bed last night, I inoked that small talent I have, of being able to tell myself to wake at a certain time, and to think of one thing first. Last night's "alarm" was to check the Wife's fluid in her van. She mentioned it had spiked up towards the H on the temperature gauge. In AZ, that is not a good sign. My alarm went off well, and the first thing I did (following regular wake-up procedures) was find out her radiator was low on fluid, so I fixed that problem. Then I came in and did put up the clean dishes, and did the dirty ones. By this time, the Wife was up and getting the younger kids ready to go to Grandma's (as the oldest was staying home today with me).

The Wife brings to my attention, while I am up to my elbows in washing dishes, one of her tires evidently was low, so she needed to know how much pressure to fill it up to regular. I told he I thought it was like 65psi, but to check the 'tag' on the driver door frame. It was actually 36psi, but she wasted the time to come back in to correct me, instead of getting out the compressor and filling it. It took her several minutes to inform me I was wrong, and that I must have gotten the 65 number from the tire size because it says such-n-such. I started to snap. Fine, fine, whatever. as long as you know how much to correctly fill it to, it doesn't matter. I cannot do it this minute, and since you mentioned it has been showing low pressure (on the sensor light on the dash) for several days, and you mention THIS morning, it isn't going to hurt to wait til you get back home tonight, unless you get off your ass and do it yourself, I am busy at the moment.

Needless to say, I was like, 'OMG! Does she not see me up to my elbows here?'

I finish up the dishes, and decide to take my morning shower, and I thought the Wife had left. No. Now she comes to me (right after I stepped into the shower) and tells me there is metal rubbing on the wheel hub, and that is what has been making a noise she has mentioned (several weeks ago) that we could not determine. So now, I have to get out of the shower, dry off, get dressed, grab a couple tools (pliers to twist it, screwdriver to bend it) just to get her on the way to work. Turns out, it is part of the metal tab (not sure what else to call it) that is part of the brake pad, which my friend and I replaced weeks ago. It evidently wasn't seated completely down, or something, and has worn a 1/4-1/2 inch partial grove in the 'spokes' of the rim about an 1/8 inch deep. I couldn't see it several weeks before, and attributed the noise being heard to "breaking in" the new brakes. Now I can see it, but she doesn't have the time to have me work on it. I told her it has been several weeks, and a few more days is not going to kill anything now.

So now I am frustrated, a tad bit pissed off, still damp from the quick rinse in the shower, dripping sweat as it is already in the upper 90's it feels outside, tired from all the dishes and other stuff I have done this morning.... to walk back in to find the oldest son sitting on his ass playing on the computer. Granted, that is what I let the boys do a good portion of the day when at home, but c'mon! He got snapped at, too. This needs done, and this, and you haven't even gotten breakfast before getting on the computer, which you didn't ask permission to do in the first place....

Now, about an hour later, I have had my full shower, some breakfast, some cool down time (literally and figuratively) and things are better. Especially now that I bitched about it.

Pool league tonight, though, I am not really feeling like it right now. I usually look forward to that, having some beers, shooting some pool...just not in the mood. I hope that changes today.


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