Tuesday, March 24

I'm Still Alive

I lived through going into public yesterday. Got those cigarettes and batteries... also some snack foods and soda. Came home and played Warcraft most of the afternoon. Then went to a friend's to imbibe in some adult beverages whiles conversing on the driveway, while sitting 6-feet from each other. Ended up talking to one of the guys I used to work with, and hearing about how things have been falling apart since I left there. Then home where I ended up doing some facetime on the phone with my Doodad. Was a good evening!

Big plans for Tuesday? Sigh. I need to go to the bank. The Wife wants me to do something about the Middle Son's instrument rental. Something about changing it in for a new one using the equity from the rental (we have rented it for 5 years so far). I think I may wait and talk to her about that tonight to get the right details.The music shop is like 6 blocks from where I used to work, so I don't want to drive clear across the Valley for something I don't know the details, and if additional funds are needed or not. That may be a trip for tomorrow,

Still need to go to the bank. Just a quick deposit. But it the whole 'getting dressed to go outside' and driving, and doing what needs to be done.... when all I wanna do is sit around in my shorts and pretty much do nothing. This quarantine is making me a bum.


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