Monday, March 30

When It Is Not Good To See Old Friends

This morning an old friend dropped by to see me. I was not happy about it, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I could not refuse his visit. That, and he showed up at that nice 3AM hour. I tried being polite and using the restroom. Then tried thinking nice thoughts for the next 25 minutes or so. All to no avail. This "friend" just won't leave. Let's see what I can do to occupy myself until I can fall asleep again.

Today marks the 29th year of The Wife officially putting up with me according to some sort of supposed legal document.So Happy Anniversary to us. She has to work. Can't go out to dinner to celebrate. And it is a Monday. How much better could it be?

This weekend kind of just cam and went. Nothing special going on. Heard Trump is extending the 'quarantine' to April 30th, or something along those lines. The Middle Son's school is doing some online instruction starting this week. Not sure about the Youngest Son's. I need to check into it. Not liking that they too may extend their period of being closed, but what can ya do?

A friend of a friend of a friend.... of a friend  serves on a small city council here in the Valley (you know how that goes) passed some information along. Though, like playing the game "Telephone" I don't know how garbled the original message is/was - but it was something along the lines of  it is going to get worse before it gets better. This is referring to the current practices in place for the COVID 19 issue. My attorney friend and I were discussing it a couple different nights last week, and we've discussed a bit of conspiracy alongside this all. I'm not going to post my thoughts/beliefs.

Let's get off that topic. Haven't seen my Doodad, but with social media outlets, and video phone calls, been able to get by. Not as good as actual hugs and whatnot, but some is better than none.

With the "free" time I have had, been playing quite a bit of Warcraft, but am starting to burn out on it. Which is good. I haven't been reading as much because of game play. I probably did get more reading in this weekend, and my reading goal count says I am still ahead of schedule.

Guess that is all I have to bore ya with now. I'm going to Facebook and see if it will bore me to sleep....literally.


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