Tuesday, March 3

Out with the Old and in With the New

Yesterday was the last day of six and a half years of employment with the Company. I'll miss a few people there... I'll miss some of the work I did. But now is the time for new things.

First thing this morning I contacted the new Company, and let them know I am now ready to go active with them. I am hoping to hear from them within the next couple of days. In the meantime, I sent out a handful more job applications online today as well. This is going to be my regular procedure for the next few days until I hear something from someone. Though, I really want to get on with the first Company.

Other than that, today was spent just playing around on the internet and Warcraft. Waiting for the two younger sons to get home from school. The Wife will be home in a couple hours or so. Last week while on vacation, the time spent idle like this was no big thing. Maybe it was because I was getting paid for it. Though, I have paid dearly for the time there. I found out what parts of my body are truly hurt (knees, back, shoulder) versus the regular everyday of everything hurts all over. I have only taken acetaminophen once in the past week and a half... compared to several every day.

I just noticed, the spellcheck option on here is gone.Weird.


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