Thursday, August 31

Still Not Better

 I made it until 4:30am before I woke this morning. Not bad considering I took a night-time cold medicine, two sleeping pills, and some acetaminophen, then retired about 10pm. I knew there was no going back to sleep, so did a quick run to Qwik Trip for some sodas and a couple brats for breakfast. Overall I am feeling much better than yesterday. Still have a lingering cough/sore throat, plus some congestion in the nose. Last night, once home from work, the Wife mentioned her nose has started to run constantly, and she has started coughing. I may have given it to her. She sent off a text to her boss last night, giving him a heads-up she may be sick this morning. I have not bothered her as of yet (too early) to see how she is feeling.

I don't remember offhand if I mentioned that yesterday when I notified the Company I would not be working due to being sick, they had responded that the Team was in a holding pattern until further notice. At least I'm not losing money by being sick. 

Yesterday was spent with much sleeping, and little else. I did get a few times to get on the computer, but could never sit there for long before I felt tired and had to lay down again. Today, I am sure I will be here for longer periods, just to keep from going insane - especially if the Wife is home sick.

I checked my daily blood sugar level - it was the lowest I have seen in awhile. Must be from being sick. And because I know you readers that come here daily, everything ended coming out fine from the backside. Seven trips throughout the day, but it finally released. I sweat at times I could feel the release of pressure and the bowel going down in size....

Guess I should mosey on out of here, and get other things done.


Wednesday, August 30

They Got Me!

 It's just after noon on this Wednesday as I sit and try to type this post out. I'm sicker than a ...well, I'm pretty sick. Woke this morning to congestion, watery eyes, sore throat, the chest congestion dropped deeper... and I ache - ALL OVER. I mean, my hair hurts. I was feeling better yesterday, but it must have been the eye of the storm. Wife said there was some dayquil with our meds, so I have taken a couple today already. Need to be better by Saturday.

I emailed off to work this morning that I would not be online today. Thankfully they messaged back that the team is in a holding pattern anyways, and to await further instruction to our home emails. Kinda good.

Here's a crappy topic. I have been 'backed up' for the past 4-5 days. Not a good thing when I usually go at least once a day. I thought we had some exlax here, but I can't find it. So I went and 'forced' some action. Very little action. But after sleeping a couple hours, I feel a little nudge there, so maybe ready to do some more. Let's go find out...


Tuesday, August 29

Bored Notifications, Being 'Sick' Sucks

 Ugh. I did try to go back to bed this morning about 5am, but all I did was toss around, cough, and wish I would fall asleep. By the time my alarm went off near 8am, I decided I was not going to work today. I feel so tired, my chest actually hurts, though still there are no other symptoms. Heck, even hardly any mucus when I cough. It just sucks feeling this way. And I am so tired at this point.

So while I am awake and not working, on a whim I went to check the stats for the ol' blog. I'm giving a shameless plug for, as it is the site I use (for free) to give me limited stats and true visitor counts. One of the many features is location as well. As I was checking mine, and looking at the world map, I noticed one in Kansas, SE of Wichita. So I was nearing in on it (on the map) and it is a marker, in the middle of a lake. Someone out fishing? Then saw another that had several visits down south of Tucson in Sahuarita (never heard of it). Interesting. I happened to check RM's blog, as I put it on the site as well, and she had at least the same lake pin-point for a user as well. Weird.

Welp, I think I am going to go find something else to waste my time on, and in a bit go try to get some sleep again. Maybe some more updates later...


Bugs! I Caught One!

Early on in the afternoon yesterday, as I was nearing the end of the work day, I started a cough. Just a little thing. My allergies had been a bit worse than usual the past week or so, and yes, the eyes were watering a bit, causing the nose to flow. I put it off to that - some drainage that tickled the throat. It was not a full cough, just one of those ones to 'clear the throat', but it was getting more frequent as the afternoon turned into evening. By about 10 pm, as I prepped for bed, it was much worse. And I came to the conclusion I must have gotten some sort of virus or something.

This morning I am up at just before 3am, coughing. Very little mucus, but what comes up doesn't look like the normal stuff (from what I remember last time having similar issues). Time to self-medicate! I grabbed the Vicks, got a good chest rub on, and found some mucus relief pills - though as of right now, I haven't taken the pills - seems like there isn't much mucus as of yet - but I am prepared. Either way, the only symptom I have is this cough. Otherwise, I feel fine. Weird. Irritating. Very irritating.

Work went on yesterday. I told the Wife early on that there wasn't much, then they added more. By just short of noon, again, we were running short, and they added more. By the time in the afternoon where it was my time to log off, they were almost out again, so who know what I will find this morning.

Well, in just the short time since I did the Vicks, the coughing has settled down a bit. I may go back to bed and try to sleep some more....


Monday, August 28

Monday Again...Ugh

 I dreaded getting up and starting work today. Mainly because I figured there would be only about half a day of work to be completed, then sit in a holding pattern (again). It was worse. I logged in at 7am, and there is only enough work for about 30 minutes, with no note at this time of more to come or not. Maybe I will wait on posting this and see what happens first... Welp, not even five minutes later, there is more work and it looks like it may be enough to be working most of the day.

Weekend was fine. Oldest Son and I went and hung out for a bit Saturday afternoon. We met up with some mutual friends and had a few drinks. Sunday I went to church (again, can you believe it) with the Wife and we did Chino Banditio for lunch. I love that place! Rest of the day I pretty much just played games on the computer.

No major plans this week. Work if it is there.


Friday, August 25


 Yesterday morning I was attacked. I was sitting at the computer, working for the Company, when it just snuck up and got me. A case of the blahs. I don't know how else to describe it. I was not nauseous, achy, sicky-type feeling ... just ...blah. And it persisted throughout the work day time. Around 3pm I laid down and slept a good two hours. Laid down again about 6:30pm and slept another 45 minutes. Nothing was shaking the blahs. This morning, I'm wide awake just after 3:30am, and I don't feel the blahs now, I wonder if I shook them.

Headed into another day of work. Surprisingly, they have had full work loads this week for us. According to what I saw remaining yesterday, Not sure how long today may/may not go. Good chance they have more in reserve to dump on us later today. Either way, I feel it is still scut work, and would rather be on a new project...

My birthday month is coming up soon. I have made some plans to get together Labor Day weekend with some friends for a bit one afternoon. No other plans than that. I'm sure 52 is not a major milepost in the years of birth, except I have made it that far. I really don't want any gifts from anyone, but I am sure I will have to tolerate a few people getting one for me...

Not much else on the mind this morning. I guess I could go play a game for an hour or so until time to work....


Tuesday, August 22

Life Moves On

 At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, I was entirely happy to log off the virtual desktop from work. There was enough workload, in my estimation, that would have us working maybe a half day at least today. More work flow was added last night, so it looks like maybe into tomorrow... but I am guessing at the early hour today. But it is work....

Otherwise, nothing new and exciting here. No news updates, no rants, no raves.


Monday, August 21

Sigh .... Same Thing Again

 This weekend wore me out. Saturday, I arose from bed about 6:30 and went out front. I pulled weeds growing amongst the grass for a bit, then got out the mower and began trim the jungle. Of course, with my wonderful walking abilities, it was do a couple rows or three, then rest for a few; repeat. But it got done. Wife came out and helped a bit too. I skipped the weed-eating, figuring the Youngest could do it, but that never happened over the weekend. Took the Wife out to breakfast at one of our faves, Ronnies Cafe, went to Goodwill (I wanted to see if they had some more shorts my size - they didn't). Finished up with a run of my car through the car wash. Went to the VFW later on, and won a $0.25 drink, but not a chance for the $8K they got in the pot.

Sunday morning I actually went to church with the Wife. She isn't able to make it every week, and I go maybe twice a year, if that. But the night before I had said if she went I would go with her. So I did. I only saw maybe 5 people that I knew at one time. They were doing a free lunch of hot dogs and burgers, but I passed and we ended up at Valle Luna, a popular Mexican restaurant. It had been many years since I ate here. I had the fajitas, and they weren't bad. I was full, and I think mostly from the 4-5 teas I drank - what can I say, I was thirsty.

Monday is now here, and I am "returning to work". I'm on at 6am, and I see conversations about some work, but nothing in the specific channel for the team I was working with. I sent a chat inquiry asking for details, and was given the current information for work we a re completing now. It is scut work. There looks to be only enough for today. Surprisingly, last week, what little they had on Tuesday, before I left for the rest of the week, only lasted a day as well, and they had not been working since either. This is the crap that makes me unhappy....

So I will "take my time" since they say I work too fast. I will be jumping back to my desktop and reading websites, playing games, etc. Only about 7 hour s more to go...sigh.


Thursday, August 17

It's About the Giving ....

 Reverend Mother and Preacher Tom had been out of town for nearly a week, celebrating their anniversary, and RM's birthday. Their drive back home yesterday brought them near the only White Castle in the Valley (thank goodness we have one) and they picked up some around the lunch hour. Unbeknownst to me, they had picked up some for me as well and surprised me early in the afternoon by dropping by and leaving me with a 'suitcase' of regulars. RM always talks about her love of giving, and she did some of that yesterday to me as well, knowing how much I love the taste of White Castle.

I did not want to spoil that spirit of giving RM brought on yesterday. So when the Youngest got home from school, I shared some of the WC sliders with him (I do believe he is developing a taste for them as well). The Wife had to work later into the evening, so I had a few more for my dinner, then the giving really began. I retired to the bedroom about 9'ish, and the beloved White Castles began to transform within my digestive system, building up massive amounts of very unpleasantly aromatic methane gas - which I often, loudly, and without warning shared with the Wife. She was not amused, nor happy with me.

Ah, but such is life. Sometimes you have to take some bad for some good.

I still have some left over today... guess what I will be having for lunch (and possible repeat performance)?


Wednesday, August 16

A Mini-Vacation, or Just Me Being Lazy?

 The last couple weeks of work have been making me quite grumpy. Work 8 hours one day, the next only 2, rinse, repeat. It gets frustrating. As of today, I have not worked since last Thursday. Last night I finally decided to send an email this morning. Basically, I said due to the length this project has been extended from the estimated length when I was hired (14 weeks versus the 4 weeks I was told) Life had other things planned that I would not be able to attend any work hours, if work was provided, this week. I would check in early next week, if the project continued, and update from that point.

So basically, I am trying to remove myself from this project. I'm tired of it, at least the part where they cannot keep enough work for us to complete. I knew getting into this line of work there would be 'breaks' between projects, but this is pretty much the first time the breaks are in the project. I would much rather be re-assigned to something that can be 8-hours/day, even if it were only in 2-week intervals, rather than a piecemeal crap like this.... sigh. I'm getting angry.

Heh. Just got a responding email that they look forward to my return on the 21st.... suckers.

Not much else going on. Loving the computer set-up. haven't really sat down to play the couple of games that required my upgrades, but will soon.

Think I may go back to bd for a couple hours this morning...


Monday, August 14

Look Ma, I'm Flying!

 I'm up at an early hour on purpose today. I wanted to be on as early as I could to find out if there will be any work today, or what the heck is going on. No soon er than me logging online, they message goes out " We are in a holding pattern and of any work becomes available today you will be contacted". So here I am, above the airport, circling like a vulture, hoping I don't run out of gas.....

The new computer is wonderful! Even if I messed it up after about 5 hours of loading stuff onto it yesterday. I accidently deleted a key program for the proper running of the system, and had to restore to an earlier time, which just happened to be that morning, before I loaded everything. Sigh. Yes, I got frustrated. Then I started all over again. I'll work on it more today, since I am not working as of yet.

Other than that, nothing new going on here....


Sunday, August 13

Cruisin' At The Speed of Light!!!

 Wow! I am flying this morning! We rolled down the road to Tucson yesterday morning, and spent a nice day down there. I sat on the couch most of the day, playing on my tablet. The Daughter, Doodad and the Wife hung out, and went shopping for a bit in the later afternoon. The SIL and Youngest spent about 6-7 hours building my new computer. By the time my input was needed, it was up and running. Then we re-boxed it to send it home with us last night. I spent about an hour transferring some programs to my external hard drive, to copy over to the new computer, but most I will probably just re-download and set-up.

This morning I got up about 6am (couldn't sleep) and started in on the old computer - unhooking everything and moving out of the way. Brought int he new computer, and the new monitor I bought. Started making sure I knew what cords were getting plugged into what ports, when I got to the monitor. First off, I couldn't find the screws that hold the monitor to the stand. Then I realized, they only sent a VGA cord, not an HDMI or Display Port, as is needed for the new computer. I start looking online at BestBuy and WallyWorld. nobody has the basic adapter in stock, and it is several days away - even if I order from Amazon. I decide to go to BestBuy when they open to see what they do have in stock. It's only 7a, and the3 website says they don't open until 11am (really? That late?).

I lay back down, thinking maybe a short snooze at this point, but the Middle Son walks in. I get up to talk with him, as he wanted to see if I was having problems. I was, so I explained. He mentioned a fix around the adapter issue, so we ran up to WallyWorld (which opens at 6am - so stick it BestBuy) and bought 2 HDMI to HDMI cables (one for each monitor - I'll eb running dual soon). Got home, started wire connections for the monitor, realized I only have 1 HDMI slot on the computer, so will need to return the one (or keep for back-up) and get a HDMI to DP connector instead, but no rush, as long as I have A monitor. Finished all the wiring, and stared it up.... and she runs fast! My previous computer was 7-10 years old, and this one has one of the upper CPUs and graphics card available. Working on loading my game(s) so haven't tried that out just yet, but just regular use with Chrome is awesome! New monitor clarity is amazing.

So most of my day is going to be working on setting things up on this new computer. I already loaded the software, etc, I need for work, so am ready to check in tomorrow, thought not sure still if there is any work to be done.


Friday, August 11

An Open Friday

 As I started into work yesterday, we received notice that there would be no follow up work to be completed once the current supply ran out. So, in other words, I only worked about an hour yesterday. We were told that there probably would not be any more for today (Friday) and they were not even sure about Monday, but requires us to check in on Monday morning for more information. Okay, fine. But that is almost three days with no pay, and that is before they 'release' us to other projects. Sigh. I do like having a couple days off though.

Today I am not doing much. Going to try to work on my desk here at home, clearing it off more from the accumulation. My newer and bigger monitor arrived early this week, and Saturday I will be bringing home my new computer to set up. It will be nice to have two monitors set up, work will be a bit easier. I plan on meeting with my buddy for lunch today as well. It would be nice to just hang out and talk, and not at the bar.

Saturday we are headed to Tucson. The SIL is the one building my computer, and he and the Youngest will work on it. Some time with the Doodad would be great. I see ice cream in my near future! We are only going down for the day, so will return late Saturday night. Sunday I will be finishing clearing the desk and getting things set up; the programs I need for work, other games to download/transfer to the new system. Hopefully that will not cause much aggravation and work properly.

Think I may go lay back down with my table to read a bit today...


Thursday, August 10

Second Thoughts and Anxiety

 The past week or so, I've been thinking about traveling back to Indiana to visit family, etc. The original idea was a trip for my brother and I to have 'some time together' - whatever that means. Of course, the distance being what it is, flying is the fastest, and would allow the additional time to visit longer/more - I think you know what I mean.

Until a couple days ago. Then every time I started thinking about flying back, I would start feeling some anxiety. Not just nervousness, anxiety. My chest would start tot tighten, heart start beating harder and faster. If I changed my train of thought, it would go away, only to return if I started thinking about the trip again. Was it the flying? I admit, I don't care for airlines (rip-off pricing, etc) but I have flown many times with no worries. (even now I am starting to feel it start up) So I tried to re-think the whole trip. Since I was looking at about a 2-week window, what if we drove instead.

Nope. I still get the anxiety starting up.

I haven't bought tickets. I haven't planned anything more out. I have a feeling, that I will be cancelling the idea of the whole trip - or maybe just push it to next spring, or something. My brother may be disappointed, but he said he was going to be tight getting just airfare and food monies for himself (I was covering the rest). Maybe it would be best all the way around. I think I will the whole thing sit through the weekend, and see what happens then. If I am still getting these weird vibes, I'm cancelling. I always trust my gut feelings.

Today will be long. I'm already working, so I can be off early this afternoon. Though I do believe that within the first couple hours, the workload will be completed. I have no idea if there will be additional work soon, or how soon, or if at all. So I may be idle most of the day, or have to check back at a later time. Edit: It is barely 7am, and already they have nothing more to add, yet want to have us check back in a couple hours. Really going to be a long day.

Doctor appointment this afternoon. They will probably be increasing one of the diabetic meds, as my numbers are not completely down to what they want them - but closer. 

Youngest has band practice tonight, so I will need to take him. Then I am supposed to swing by a friend's to help the son fix his bicycle (my friend has no idea how).

Ugh, I'm tired already.


Monday, August 7

Mr Sandman Needs to Quit

 Hello 3:15am. Why no, I would love to be awake and not be able to get a full eight hours sleep. No, it won't be any problem at all to stay awake all day whilst trying to work. Sarcasm is always good, right? Well, if anything good comes out of today it will be I can start at 6am, and not have to wait until 8 like some days. Which means I will be done by 2pm, and will be able to take a nap (hopefully).

Where did the weekend go? Saturday, the Wife and I did some shopping for food - trying to stock up on some things that the Youngest can take to school for lunches, and some things for me to snack on whilst working. Trying to keep it healthy (more for me than Youngest) but still had to get a couple flavors of Lays chips I had not seen nor tried: Hot Mustard (which are VERY tasty) and Cuban sandwich (which makes me want to try an actual Cuban sandwich). Afterwards, I called RM, and we went over to visit since we were near them at that point. Had a nice visit, and left when my brother showed up for other reasons. Went to the VFW that night. Bought tickets for their Queen of Hearts draw, and ended up winning a $0.25 drink, and the chance to draw the Queen - which I didn't get (only the King of Diamonds) but still won $25.00 for the card. I only spent $20 in tickets.

Sunday I putzed around the house. Caught up on some reading of blogs, some game time, finished up season one of "The Lincoln Lawyer" on Netflix. The show isn't too bad.... Then was in bed about 10:30pm. See why I am not happy about being awake this early?

Today will be interesting. I think there is enough work to do to get the 8-hour day in, but not much thereafter, so not sure about tomorrow. Thursday I have a doctor appointment so would be short day anyways...if we are still working on this project.

Guess that is all I got....


Friday, August 4

TGIF, and I Mean It!

 I am so happy it is Friday, and the end of the work week for me. The Company has been so... weird lately, and I am just getting tired of it. Yesterday again was only a little more than a half day at work, and I have no idea what to expect today. It is one of those "Don't touch the work until a certain time" days.... <eyeroll>. Well, it is 8:05am and I should get to work. I waited for someone else to grab the first set of docs, so I wouldn't get "yelled" at... Looks like they loaded enough we should be busy full-time today, and probably most of Monday (I hope). Geez, 14 weeks on a project I was hired on to that the estimate was 4 weeks.

Nothing special going on this weekend. Too hot to do anything much outside. Youngest asked about going to friend's houses both days, and we probably will let him. Maybe the Wife and I can get out on a couple lunch dates with him gone over at friends'. Maybe to the movies - I want to see that movie "Oppenheimer'. 

Guess I should cut this short - like I got much else to share today...


Wednesday, August 2

I Just Cannot Be Happy ....

 Yesterday, I only was able to work about 5 1/2 hours. Why? Because the Company ran out of work for me to complete (again), and stated they would not have anything ready until 8am (my time) today. That means, I would have to work 8-4 just to get my hours, which I hate working that late in the day... But here is the kicker... I logged in the system at 7:50am, see a note to all of the team about work being ready at 8am. I logged into the work program, and grab the first set of files. Suddenly I have a Manager texting me, complaining I didn't read the notes, and files weren't ready until 8am. I explained the time differences, and how it is 8am where I am at. Then they said, well, I actually grabbed the work at 7:57 and not at 8 when they were to be released. 

Sigh. What is one to think? So now I am just frustrated and the day has hardly begun. Other People's Children, am I right?

Nothing exciting going on in life. Youngest back to school on Monday. Work when I can, twiddle my thumbs when I ain't working.
