Thursday, July 21

Feeling Worn Out

Whew! Yesterday I spent 8 hours with my three boys, neice, nephew, nephew's girlfriend, and distant family member, at the water park. Needless to say, it felt good considering our temps are so hot right now, and the monsoon weather making it feel so damn muggy. But I am worn out. The two younger sons were passed out on the way home. The oldest and I were pretty beat, though managed to stay awake to our more regular bedtimes. A little bit of red amongst us all, but I was pretty good about us keeping sunblock on throughout the day, so we aren't too burnt. My legs can feel it from all the walking, and swimming that was done.

Today I got to spend half the day with the youngest son on his "Dad & Son" day. I say only half a day, because even though he slept on the way home, napped until dinner, and went to bed early, he still slept in today until noon when I woke him up. I have been trying to make sure he drinks plenty of fluids to help catch up from yesterday as well.

Plans coming up? Nothing really. In fact, my calendar shows the rest of the month free of events, though I am sure the Wife will find something to throw in there.


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