Wednesday, September 14

Seasonal Issues

The 'seasonal' allergies I get from time to time, have struck again. This time they have gotten to be so bad, it has started to move into my chest. Other friends I have communicated (miserated?) with agree it is allergies, and not a virus. Needless to say, allergy meds, some Vick's vapo-rub, and naps are in order.

My oldest son is 13. Today, he has an early release from school, so we have planned to sit down and do the 'sex talk'. I have mentioned trying to do this before, but things just haven't worked out, or the time didn't seem right. The Wife told me over the weekend, now is the time. I guess she caught him on the internet checking out some porn site. So I talked with him, so is aware what we are doing today. He actually seemed interested in what I have to say (a first for anyone! LOL!). I am a bit nervous.

Maybe that was a bit more personal than what I should share.... nah. I think everyone in general knows they get the sex talk usually from somewhere, if not their parents, then it is friends or school. My Dad was nearing this last days when I got my talk. Due to complications with his speech (brain tumor) my Uncle was asked to do the duty. I remember that day we went out walking, and he brought up the subject. I was able to let him know that I had already heard plenty from friends at school, and he made sure I knew of the basics. That was it. I was glad someone took me "under their arm" and made an effort to be open to any questions I may have wanted to ask. I hope my son uses that advantage as well, as it will always be open for him.

This will be good practice for the next two boys, too.....

...and the earworm is *still* bothering me.....


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