Monday, November 7

Drizzly Day

The Wife woke me up at 5am this morning, just to tell me it is raining. 'Good. We need it,' I said, as I rolled over and went back to sleep. I guess she had been awakened by the sound of the rain, and felt she needed to share the fact with me.

Getting rain in Arizona is generally a nice thing. It helps bring down the temperatures, brings in needed moisture and water for the dry desert areas. I like it as it helps bring down the particulate count in the air. For those without allergies, it means usually a couple days of easier breathing for me. Less blowing of the nose, watery eyes, etc. We had some rain just a couple days ago. It had rained out one of our softball fields our league plays on, but otherwise, was not bad. Temps had dropped down to the 60s daytime level, so the weekend was actually quite nice. This morning however, it is a bit chilly. As I drove to the gym, newsradio said it was 40 out, though the rain had stopped, it was a bit chilly in my gym shorts and work-out tee. I was able to work up a good sweat though this morning, and felt even colder as I left to head out to my vehicle. The hot shower at home felt good!

Tomorrow morning I return to the dentist chair, as they  do a re-treat on one of my crowns. I don't recall if I had specifically posted the issue, but either way, they need to go back into the tooth as it appears they may have missed a micro canal when they did the root canal. They can't numb me up until it is found, so I am not looking forward to it, but it needs to get done.

Other than that, the boys have parent/teacher conferences this week. I do not expect any issues to be brought up to our attention. All the kids have always been well-behaved and do well at their schoolwork. It'll be nice though to hear the teachers give them some nice words of praise.

That's it for now. Down three pounds this week, in my goal to lose 15 this November. At least that is somewhat on track. I should call the Dr. Office and set up my appointment for Dec. Bah!


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