Saturday, September 26

A Long Day is Here, Again

 It's only 2:30 in the morning. What is so wrong with that? I can tell you. I'm not asleep. Haven't been able to fall asleep at all since I went to bed around 10:30. By midnight, or a bit after, I gave up lying there and played around on the computer for awhile. Yes, I'm still here. Not feeling tired. Thoughts doing laps inside my head like a Nascar race. So much on my mind.....

Later today, I am meeting with the siblings and RM to go through a few (?) of the photo albums RM has had, and now unpacked from her move. She had mentioned it being time for the three of us kids to go through and decide what ones we wanted for ourselves, and just help RM make space. That, and of course to carry on picture memories of family whether it included us in the picture or not. I'm not a big picture fan of having them taken of me, or even hanging on to them. I do not have the talent to take a "good picture" (either way)!

So, that will be a couple hours or so at least, if not longer. And me running on low sleep - if I get any tonight. I got a message later in the evening yesterday saying that we had to move it from RM's house to Sis'... which is fine by me. Sis is picking me up still since I don't have wheels. Whenever we finish there, my plans are to go with my brother back to his place, and pretty much just sort of hangout until late afternoon. He is doing a get-together retirement party for himself at the pub I am a regular at. He actually retired on the 22nd September, with 22 years in the Army Reserves at the rank of Captain.

That was supposed to start around 6, so maybe by 10 or so I will be ready to head home. Not sure if I will take an Uber, or have someone give me a ride. I know Brother won't be driving - which means his harpy of a wife will be there all evening. Maybe it will be later, because we will be pounding them back to ignore her. Maybe not.


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