Wednesday, September 16

New Early Morning Record!

 I made it to 1:30am with the whole sleep thing. That is including being inebriated and in bed by 11pm. Needless to say, I will be laying back down and trying to recapture some of that lost sleep time at some point this morning.

Today is Wednesday. The handful plus of years I put in at my last job, I did make some good friends. One of them, his last day is tomorrow. He and his family are moving to Florida (not in the middle of these storms) I hope, and either way, tomorrow is his last day at work. Being that he worked in our Reconditioning department, they are off at 1pm, and are headed to a local pub on that side of town. I am meeting up with them. Yes, me with no car. The Valley has a lightrail system, and I plan on using it almost the full route they have in service.

Yeah. I plan on a good hour and a half to traverse the Valley. I called and talked with my buddy, and figured someone could pick me up from the closest stop (about a mile form the workplace) and someone would drop me back off afterwards at any station stop. Needless to say, it'll be an adventure. Worst case is an Uber for a long drive home.


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