Saturday, September 19

That Early Wake Up is Terrible

 I don't know what to do about my waking up early problems anymore. Tonight was the worse one yet. I went to bed about 9, and put up the book about 9:30. Awakened at 11, and not feeling the slightest sleepy got up, as the Wife was headed to bed. Now it is 1am and I still don't feel sleepy. Maybe I need to look into some over the counter sleeping pills. I know drinking would help me fall asleep easier, and able to sleep more through the night, but I don't know if I need that at the expense of my liver, because it would have to be a daily thing. At least it feels that way anymore. So that is not an option. 

Nothing on schedule for this weekend. Hopefully will see the oldest Son at some point. We are changing car insurance companies and he needs to pick up his new insurance card. I suppose I could email him a copy, but I don't think he has a printer yet. 

Might head up to the pub tomorrow for a bit. Maybe Sunday morning. I gave up on watching football pretty much this year. With the BLM anthem crap, and names on helmets... just too much stupid BS as far as I am concerned. Not even talking about Washington changing their name. But one of my buddies that I don't see often is still wanting to watch his Lions. He texted me last Sunday to meet him, but I had slept in real well, as I drank more than  I should have the night before. Maybe we will try again this week. 


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