Wednesday, September 2

Is That A Light Up Ahead?

 This past weekend left me feeling like I was walking into a tunnel, with no end in sight. I was frustrated, stressed, disappointed, and I am sure many other emotions of that nature. Despair? Prolly that, too. So many things just feeling "heaped" upon me at once, even though some of them have just "been there" for awhile, and the accumulation of multiples make it all just so much. Sigh.

Monday I took Middle Son for his road test for his license. He failed it. "Failure to stay at a complete stop for two seconds at two separate stops" was the reason cited for the failure. I kept my cool, and kept my mouth shut. We were able to schedule an appointment for a second road test for the next morning. On the way home, Son tells me he is sorry that he failed the test, and how much he is mad at himself for such a stupid reason to have failed said test. I sighed. I told him, that there is no where in the driver's manual that states you have to stay at a complete stop for two seconds. The Test Grader was evidently having a bad day, and wanted to be a prick and you just happened to be the one he took it out on. You do the test tomorrow, and everything will be fine. It is NOT your fault.

Tuesday we go in, and hey! some good news! The fee I paid the day before for the test and license ($25) does NOT need to be paid again. The application process doesn't have to be repeated. We were able to pretty much skip right to the test. Then I started worrying. He had a different tester, and was out much longer than the day before. I know they say to allow up to 30 minutes for the road test, but c'mon! Eventually, they made it back (about 15 mins total) and he re-entered with a thumbs up sign. Five minutes later we were on our way home. So Son now has his license.

I emailed my buddy J, who is my insurance agent, attorney, best friend, list goes on and on - emailed him the paper license to get Son on the insurance. Also drop the Charger that died last weekend. Also increase the coverage limits to the new State minimums. All said and done, my insurance went up $150 a month. Sigh.

I told the Son he was able to drive solo now. Which means his biggest priority (he admitted) was to find employment. He has a couple good leads he is going to follow up on at some point. hope he has better luck than I have had. Maybe being younger with no experience is better than being near 50 and so much experience no one wants to hire because of how much I would ask for....ARGH!

Speaking of nearing 50, my birthday is this Sunday. The Daughter and family is coming into town. The Oldest Son was able to get Saturday off work. We will actually be able to go have a full family dinner that night. Sunday I am sure I will end up at the pub doing some celebrating with friends. And no, it is not 50 this year.


Edit: Since this morning, my insurance agent has contacted me. Found a policy that is at what I pay now, saving me $160/month from what the new one was going to be. While I was talking to him, I got an email in from the company I have trying to get on at, saying there is a project starting tomorrow and I will find out later this afternoon if I make the cut (and training is provided). Maybe something is looking good.

1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Yay!! Yes I am praising God for responses that give you hope!! Happy for the middle son! Love you!