Saturday, September 5

Birthday Eve

 I am tired this morning. I blame it on being up so late last night. Why didn't I go to bed earlier? A couple reasons....

First one is that the Daughter and family got into town and I got to see my Doodad. that was the most important one. The other reason was because about 6:45pm the middle Son busted our front window. Our front room has many boxes, etc. moved form the old house this last week, and he was trying to maneuver around one area, and bumped the window. I guess it mught have a harder bump, but then, the glas is single pane, and pretty old. Needless to say, it took like 4 hours to make the trip to Lowes, get supplies, and a sheet of plexiglass. Then the Middle Son, the Daughter, the SIL, all spent time trying to get it in the aluminum frame so the edging,seal, whatever could be pushed/adjusted back in place. 

Needless to say, there is a couple spots that could use a dab more silicone this morning, but mostly looks like it is good. The other side of the window is the problem now. It is the "sliding" side. We had had to slide it open at one point, and now it doesn't want to slide shut completely, leaving a minute gap where it won't close. It is catching at some point in the middle where the sides of the middle meet. Not a good description, but I will have it fixed later today.

Other than that, it is my Birthday Eve. Have dinner out tonight, which I am looking forward too. The house will be empty by noon. The boys are going to the SIL's parents to play those crazy board games. The Wife and Daughter are going to a baby shower. That leaves me at home alone.I'll probably end up watching Netflix, or playing WoW.


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