Saturday, September 12

Blog Touch-up

 I think since I am up early today, I am going to touch-up the blog site appearance. I know many of the links on the right have "retired" and are no longer active. A few I know, the owners have passed away over the past years. I'll got through and create a new list for the still active ones. If I miss your blog, or want it listed, leave me a comment. I could always use a new place to visit and read....


Edit: Wow... I had not realized so many blogs on my list have gone. Mostly knew in my head, those that had actively quit posting, but still... seeing the list size is depressing.

1 comment:

Joe said...

It is sad. When I edited my blog roll a couple of months ago I got rid of about half. And I kept anyone who had posted in the past year or so.