Monday, June 4

Worn out Monday

Damn, I am sooo tired today. And I am actually quite busy with work so this will be short today. Wife and kids are gone for camp for the week, so my Bachelor time starts tonight. I am sure I will get my second wind by the time work gets out... about 2 hours. Other than that I have been struggling to stay awake at my desk. I thought I got as much sleep last night as I normally do, but maybe it was not a good deep sleep or something.

The weekend wasn't the most exciting I have ever had. I stayed out of the house pretty much so I would be out of the way of the last minute packing and laundry doing to get things ready to go for this morning. I got a couple bags of books from one of my friends, to add to the other 3 or so I haven't read this week. I am starting a new one tonight called "Maximum Ride: Saving the World and other extreme sports" written by James patterson. It is the 3rd of a trilogy he has written to a more teenage audience, but they are still good adult reads - like Harry Potter.

No major plans this week - probably do a lot of eating out since I am not crazy about cooking for one person. At least I will be able to have more reading time for a change. Seems otherwise the kids are fighting, arguing, bothering me. ::sigh:: I am going to miss that this week. Oh well.

This week may be light on posting. Work has started getting busier, but I can try to get some time during the lunch hour (if I take one) to do some jots.


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