Tuesday, January 26

Over the Kick Start Day

I could tell yesterday was Monday... it was hard to get motivated to do anything. At one point, I even laid down, expecting it to only be about an hour. Turned into a 3 1/2 hour nap - though I did feel lots better afterwards.

Sunday, though long, was a good day. The Race happened between my Sis, Reverend Mother, and Stuman. I was there to help coordinate stopwatches, and take pictures. It was a run of 2 miles, and scoring would be based on US Army PT regulations. Meaning, what time they ran it in, modify in the age bracket, and a score is given. Prior to looking up the scores, based on time alone, Stuman was first, then Sis, then Reverend Mother. Now, that was sort of to be expected. RM being the eldest, and Stuman the youngest.

Once we got back to the house, they were all anxiously asking about their score (because Stuman was the one able to figure out the stuff - him being in Army Reserve and all). After the scores, they were able to finally relax and enjoy whatever the rest of us left for them for lunch. Man, there was plenty of food too. I think my family ended up taking home a good third of it seems.

Oh! The scores! Sis had the highest, followed closely by Stuman, and RM pulled 3rd, but only 1 point behind Stuman. Now, I promised I would not embarrass any by their ages (if I haven't already in a prior post) but RM is Mom to all three of us kids.... so she ain't 20! But she sure ran like she was in her 30's! I gotta give it up to her... she was within about 5 min Stuman. That is someone determined and in fairly good shape! And Sis has been working hard at it in order to beat Stuman! I know I would never had made it.

Anyways, I have no plans this week. Nothing on schedule for today. Y'all have a good one.



Sis said...

ACTUALLY- I was 4 min 17 sec from Stuman and scored 67 points. Stuart had 62 points. Mom was 7 min 12 sec from Stuman and score only 1 point behind him at 61 points.

Sorry for the correction...but for now I have bragging rights! Yeeehaw!

We are expecting you to join in next time...March 21st is the 5k!

Ralphd00d said...

Ain't happening.

Reverend Mother said...

LOL - you can tell our ages.... after all.... I'm 60 and 1 point behind a 35 year old.... not too bad, huh! Then again, I better quit 'bragging'. I loved it and can't wait to do it again - but I can't do March - we'll have to do the same run in April.... :-)