Monday, October 14

It sure is a Monday morning. I have been up for about an hour, and already I feel like climbing back into bed. The comfort of being under covers in a warm bed, cat-napping just sounds good.  Not that I will get to do that ... seems like there are too many other things that need to be done today.

The oldest son had the first marching competition of the season on Saturday. He was supposed to have been there at 6:30, but we had overslept, thus he did not get to the school until 7:30, but at least they had not left yet. Their performance was at my alma mater, so we went to watch it. This was the first chance I had had to see their show, and must say I thought they looked and sounded good. Evidently the judges did as well, since the scored and Excellent, with captions for General Effect and Musical Performance. Not bad for the first competition.

Even though today is Columbus Day, the boys still have school. It might be because they were off all last week.

The Wife and two younger boys have just left, so I guess if I want to crawl back into bed, there is no one here to stop me. Maybe I will go lay down until I have to get up for work.

Decisions. Decisions.


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