Friday, November 27

The Day After

 I ate a bit. Not "A LOT" but a bit. Even had a little bit of seconds. There was plenty of food in our small gathering yesterday. We ended up at the two older Sons' new apartment, though they had not even unpacked completely yet. They had the room whereas we did not at the house currently. The eldest Son had gotten the turkey, given to him from his employer, and come to find out it was HUGE! A 24-pounder... so plenty of turkey. Of course we left all leftovers at their place, as they had the bachelor fridge going (I know because I looked). Literally, a pizza box on the top shelf, and not much else besides condiments and maybe a 1/3 quart of milk.

Tonight we are going to RM's for another dinner, where those leftovers will be sent home with us. Another reason I left all the food at the boys'. That's if I can make it through today. I did go out for a bit last night, and though I was home around midnight, just couldn't sleep. So I have been up all night, and need to get through work today. I may take a nap this afternoon and get a couple hours at least. Will see how that goes.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Glad I checked your blog - see you tonight for dinner!