Tuesday, November 24

Time, Time, Time

 It's that time again. Turkey Time! And that means Commercial Holiday Time to follow.... which I hate. Never understood why a holiday to celebrate the birth that is part of one of the world's largest religions, had to be commercialized to a requirement of "giving" presents. Maybe it is just the "shopping hate" I feel about it all. I don't know. No use in analyzing it. I don't know if I will ever enjoy a commercialized holiday.

So I had mentioned how my project was extended. More time to make more money. That helps! We had a meeting yesterday about time - and how the holiday this week shortens our paychecks. We have the option of working Sat & Sun to make up the time, or longer hours M, T, or W. Friday we will need to work, yet they cut the time available for work to a 7 hour period, so even for the hours for 4 days, I would have to work extra on the weekend. I mentioned to the Wife I may work 5-6 hours this weekend, and then just call it a week, though short of 40 hours. The meeting also brought up about if everyone had other plans, since the project was extended past the original set time, were vacations, etc going to beother anyone with getting in 40 hours a weeks still. 

I got some time in with Doodad last night, though, being silly, she didn't want to have much to do with Papaw, until her snuck her a candy. Then we were buds again. The returned to Tucson last night. Probably won't be back until closer to Christmas. The two older Sons are moving today. The oldest needs to be out of his place today, and I guess they finalized on the new one. I know they are getting a smaller U-haul this morning to move the bed. I wonder if they will do the middle Son's today as well. I found this all out last night. I guess them growing up they don't need Dad's help or advice anymore.

Breakfast time for me now. I need to eat something (meaning a couple granola bars) and then get ready to work.


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