Tuesday, February 5

400th post on blogger - and no boobies!

This marks a monumental achievement for Boobies & Beer. Granted there were/are an undetermined amount of posts at Livejournal, prior to the move here, but number 400 here is good. Only took a bit over a year (Nov '06 to present).

So for such an occasion surely I have great tidings and well wishes for all, right? Shyeah, as if. In all actuality I am just feeling weird today. One of those, I feel silly and ditzy, but not really - confusing really. I mainly don't want to exert any of the brain cells I have left (see Buffalo Herd Theory).

Okay, now you have an idea of my state of mind (or lack of) I can freely share I was going to make an attempt at Crapblogging today, but it was just a bunch of hot air. Though it did last about 15 seconds (or seemed to). Yes, you are welcome for me sharing that information.

And last, but not least, here is something I think would be nice...

And for the funny bone in you ....

That's it for post 400. Come back tomorrow and I am sure I might actually have something interesting to say.

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