Friday, February 1

Friday musings

I found out I am not getting a paycheck like I thought today. Seems the upper management neglected to send the physical checks received into corporate office until after last weekend. So now it goes on next week's payroll. Fucking Bastids!

Smile though - it's Friday.

Valentine's Day is this month. Another damn commercialized holiday for stores to want our money. Just in spam mail I have gotten, I am sick of this holiday. Hell, I am sick of this holiday in its general purpose. Why should I say I love you to my Wife on *ONE* special day? Why flowers/candy/jewelry on one day? I don't understand it, but I am an ass if i don't do anything. And with no paycheck until just before the holiday, that's gonna make it more difficult.

::bangs head against desk::

For some reason, that helps.

The daughter has a possible band trip to Disneyland (California) coming up and they of course want their money by the middle of the month. That's if we let her go. I think the Wife and I still need to dicuss it.

It's February 1st, and it just seems to all be going downhill for the start of the year. Things at work are not as well as should be. Moving, payroll, business in general - it's all just starting to add up I guess.

Alright. I think I am done bitching for now. Enough pity party for me. I need a drink.


EDIT: I went out for late lunch and had a salad and a diet coke. I feel a little better. But I still want a drink.

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