Wednesday, March 28

Hump Day is Here

Welcome to Wednesday. Late afternoon Wednesday actually. I have been in "hurry up and wait" mode for most of the day, so have not had much chance to post anything. Not that aything exciting is happening.

So, two more days until the anniversary, and I still have not done anything yet. I think it may end up just being dinner out and a card. I thought about doing some shopping for a basket of stuff or something, but that makes me think of the mall, and I hate going there. I do not going places where I know there is going to be a crowd. Including the bar. It must be that whole "personal space" thing that I don't like being jostled or elbowed or whatnot. Of course, depending on who is doing the jostling... know what I mean?

I mentioned yesterday about a period in my life growing up, and Hoosierboy happened to mention another landmark from growing up. Got me to thinking today how nice it would be to get a trip back to Indiana to see some of the places and how they have changed since I last lived there 20 years ago. It's weird when you think that living there growing up was nothing, and after this time in a tremendously larger city, how it would be nice to get back to a smaller town. Put me in a melancholy mood for sure...

Let's see ... we've covered about everything I can think of today. The next two days may be light on posting, but be sure come Monday we will have something to post about. With Golf on Saturday, and a poker party, then softball and the race on Sunday.. surely something will be discussed/seen/overheard that I can share and embarrass the person. Who knows, maybe pictures could be a good thing as well!

Tonight I feel some good drinking going on, and a few chapters to be read from the current book in the car. My friend Ginny has already text messaged me to see if I can "come out and play" after work. Course, that is still like 2+ hours away. Anyways, I am off to do some more work and whatnot. Be good, don't eat your chapstick, and appreciate normal looking dogs.


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