Wednesday, March 14

Now I am getting bummed

The Wife just called. Seems she is in the ER with the youngest of my kids. He had been into the Dr's office recently and diagnosed with an ear infection. After 4 kids that is nothing out of the ordinary. The next youngest had been in last week and he has a phlegmy cough plus a nice case of Pinkeye. He has been taking cold medicene and eye drops for the last week. Anyways, back to the youngest, The Wife went to see about getting him into the Dr's today, as the past 2-3 days his temp has spiked upwards of 103.5, and Motrin/Tylenol weren't working as good as they usually do. Doc wasn't in today, but by phone arranged for him to be taken to the ER. There they have drawn blood, found both ears now infected, IV'ed him liquids as he hasn't been drinking enough the last 24 hours, and x-rays. I am sure I am leaving out a few other tests they might have done. The doc there had said they are waiting results from some tests before they move to the next step. It's possible he has come down with pneumonia (as he has had a cough the last few days as well) but they are not sure yet. I let the Wife know to call me with any more important updates, or if they finally figure out what is going on, and let me know what they plan to do. My day is only half way over and now this shit on top of it.

Welp, have a good thought/prayer for my boys unitl I find out more.


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