Tuesday, August 14

Is there anything between my ears today?

I feel very blank today. I cannot think of anything of interest to write about, I don't even feel like doing anything today - at work or at home. I guess it is just one of those phases, and hopefully it will be short-lived and things will be back to what be normal for me either later today, or tomorrow. Here's a funny I don't know if I have shared before or not....

What is the true meaning of the phrase "tender love"?

Two homosexuals with hemorrhoids.

Geez, sometimes I am just so sick with my humor! Imagine the pictures I could have posted with that joke!! Yeah, just go Google "hemorrhoids" and click images. Share the best ones amongst your friends!

Brings to mind an off sided question: Would Compound-W work on anal warts as well as regular ones? They have that quick new "freeze-off" kind.... sorta feel like an ice cube up your crack I guess.
Okay, so now that you are really grossed out, try to eat your lunch and come back later. I am going surfing to see what sort of fun stuff I can find for you today. Wish me luck! Oh, FOREWARNING!!! If you are at work, be careful scrolling down. Found a nice picture to add to my collection. I hope clicking on it makes it bigger, because otherwise it is too small to tell what it is.... Good Luck!


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