Friday, August 17

Let's Get This Party Started!

Whew! It's Friday again, and I see that since you are reading this, you barely have survived another week as well as I have. Heck, you might have gotten through it a bit better than I. As long as we are both here I guess would be the important thing. How about a smile this morning? Here is some early Friday humor:

A guy dials his home phone from work. A strange woman answers.
The guy says, "Who is this?"
"This is the maid.", answered the woman.
"We don't have a maid!"
"I was just hired this morning by the lady of the house."
"Well, this is her husband. Is she there?"
"Ummm .... she's upstairs in the bedroom with someone who I just figured was her husband."
The guy is fuming. He says to the maid, "Listen, would you like to make $50,000?"
"What do I have to do?"
"I want you to get my gun from my desk in the den and shoot that witch and the jerk she is with." The maid puts down the phone. The guy hears footsteps, followed by two gunshots.
The maid comes back to the phone. "What should I do with the bodies?"
"Throw them in the swimming pool!"
"What?! There's no pool here?"
Long pause... "Uh .... is this 221-1811?"

If that one didn't get ya grinning how about this one?

Goldie was sitting on a beach in Florida, attempting to strike up a conversation with the attractive gentleman reading on the blanket beside hers.

"Hello, sir," she said, "Do you like movies?"

"Yes, I do," he responded, then returned to his book.

Goldie persisted. "Do you like gardening?"

The man again looked up from his book. "Yes, I do," he said politely before returning to his reading.

Undaunted, Goldie asked. "Do you like pussycats?" With that, the man dropped his book and pounced on Goldie, ravaging her as she'd never been ravaged before.

As the cloud of sand began to settle, Goldie dragged herself to a sitting position and panted, "How did you know that was what I wanted?"

The man thought for a moment and replied, "How did you know my name was Katz?"

So, it is Friday, and I have very few plans for the weekend. I am taking the family out for dinner tonight - wherever the Wife wants to go. I am finally getting her to make a decision instead of saying "I don't care". Sunday the softball team is being challenged to a scrimmage game from a rival bar. I hope the guys are up to it. Be nice to have some bragging rights before the season starts back up in September. I'll be there to help them drink down those brewskis and keep score. It seems I inherited that job somehow.

I gotta run for now. Plenty of things to follow up on this morning, but will probably be done by afternoon. Y'all have a good weekend if I don't make it back!


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