Monday, March 24

Looking for a wheelchair cuz I am lazy

Glad to see you are back after stuffing yourselves at family dinners yesterday. I actually was good for a change. I didn't drink my lunch, and I only had 1 plate of food. Gotta watch them calories ya know. That way I wouldn't have to do extra time at the gym.

Which is why yesterday and today, I was looking for a wheelchair. I guess I was a bit over energetic Friday on my workout, and my calves are hurting pretty good. Flexall 454 and ibuprofen don't seem to help much. I hope by tomorrow they won't hurt as bad. I must have really overdid it, and no idea how I could not have known. So if ya see a heavy guy walking across the parking lot pretty funny, and you are in Phoenix, it may be me.

Nothing exciting happened this weekend. It ended up being pretty mellow. I see most of this week being he same, so posting may be slow.

I am out to find something to make content here.


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