Tuesday, April 8

Poker in the front, liquor in the rear

Today is Poker Tuesday for me. So tonight I shall head down to the pub and start chugging some Buds and play a few rounds of Texas Hold'em - and hope I win. Right now I am in the mood to play, but who knows what can happen in the next few hours....

So I noticed the numbers of readers has increased a bit over the past couple of days. I tell ya, KeesKennis is doing one heck of a job getting all them referrals over here! Must have to do with the issue of pics of boobies and beer. Either way, be sure you click on his link to return the favor and besides, he has some awesome pics all over his place!

Welp, I ain't got much going on today either. Just you wimmins out there reading this don't be too upset at me. I am only a man. Besides Rodney Carrington said it best .... (click here). I think I will go and pick that song up for karaoke tonight.

Alrighty. Just to stay up, here's a pic for the road.


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