Wednesday, February 16

Achy Day ... No Humping

I don't know what I did. I do know I awoke this morning, my lower back aching, as if I "slept wrong" and did something to it. Not the first time, but it is a bit more painful than I remember it being in past times. Then to top it off, my left knee is throwing a spasm on touchy nerve endings, too. Feels like arthritis, which is a good possibility. I am just feeling old today.... sigh.

So, dentist appointment came and went. Got my new crown. My jaw is still a bit sore today. The cavity work was on the lower left, furthest tooth back, and the crown was the upper left furthest tooth back.... so, my mouth got to play the role of "Grand Canyon" (no snide remarks please) for most of the visit. What is nice though, is the new technology. Using digital measurements and a computer, they can map out how the new crown should cover and space between other teeth... there is a machine that literally carves it in like 15 minutes. Then they fit it, make sure the bite is ok and fits goods - maybe a few minute grindings, then they bake it for 15 minutes and cement it in place. All done! And at a smaller cost than the regular porcelain type (that takes 2 appts, and 2 weeks to get done). I was happy. No 2nd appt - lower cost. And there was a credit on our account, so my out of pocket yesterday was lower than I had planned. BONUS!

My older son was home sick yesterday. Some "bug" that had him depositing liquids from both ends. He is feeling better today. The middle son, oh boy. Monday he was being 'released' from his grounding from the incident last Monday. The one where he pulled the fit when time to go to school, and refused, cried, fought anyone taking him. I had picked him up from school, and was 'nice' to let him know I was dropping it a few hours early, and gave him his gameboy. We went home, I let him have some computer time (he was grounded from that too)... Wife comes home, and I found out, he had acted up again just that morning! Of course he had not bothered to tell me, knowing the punishment he had just finished would now be doubled. I was very upset. Needless to say, Gameboy came back to me, his punishments were delivered, and then I added to it. I felt because he had knowingly with-held the info about acting up again, when he knew I should have been told, was in short, deceiving me, and close to being considered lying (this being the way the Wife and I see it). So I added 1 week in his room minus dinner, school, etc. That's on top of the no computer, Gameboy, etc. Last night after only 1 evening and afternoon of getting after him to get back in his room (he kept sneaking out to see what I was doing, or get a drink, or this or that) I gave him an alternative. He is to write 1 full page (1 side) explaining what he did wrong, what he is going to do to prevent it from happening again, and two alternate punishments should it happen again.

At one point in my life I wanted to become an English Lit professor. Then it lowered to a HS teacher in English. Then not a teacher at all. I now understand why. Either I don't explain things well, or in a way he could not understand it, because he wrote about 10 lines for me to read. It was the wrong subject of what he did wrong (he wrote about the fit before school, not the deceiving as I had indicated) only said he wouldn't do it again, and had some weird-ass punishment listed. I told him what was wrong and to go back and fix it, he could just do it on the remaining 2/3 of the page. Fifteen minutes later, I have him back with just under the 2/3 filled, had the same subject, a better way of correction (though it was a glorified "I won't do it again"), and 2 punishments - both of which consisted of odd number of days for individual things. Again, I explained what was needed. This time I specifically told him what he did wrong that was to be the subject. I explained in what I thought, better detail about how to correct it, and lastly, explained the 2 alternate punishments, cannot have just the # of days switched between things (ie. 4 days no computer, 3 no Gameboy and 4 days no Gameboy, 3 days computer) and could not include anything he was already grounded from currently.

I heard several minutes of crying and whining in the bedroom. I explained to the Wife what I had changed regarding this particular punishment. She was okay with it. At bedtime, I told him he needed to finish it tomorrow (today now) after I picked him up from school. If I approve of what he writes, I conditioned I MAY alter the time length, or type of current punishment (ie. work it off different rather than just be in his room, etc). We will see how that goes.

And that, drags on this post for longer than you are probably interested. Gotta love the family drama, eh?


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