Wednesday, December 21

More Stir Crazy

I think I found the limit as to how much time a person can sit on Facebook and NOT go crazy. Or maybe I went over that line. The whole stir crazy business has doubled now that I have limited mobility, compared to just being at home most of the time before. I would spend more of my time in bed, napping and reading, except I don't want to be laying there awake half the night due to not being able to sleep. Though, I do admit the vicodine sure helped put me out last night.

I found out that sitting there, refreshing my screen on FB every few minutes, is a really creepy sort of thing to do. When a new update or comment comes up, and I respond right away, it's even worse waiting for the other party to respond... because half the time they don't.

There is only so much one can do in any given game, without having to wait for more "coins", energy, or whatever, short of bringing out the ol' credit card and paying for stuff on a free game.

I'm hungry, and I haven't figured out how I am going to maneuver around to do some breakfast for myself.

It's a good thing I didn't hurt something more, like my ribs, abdomen, etc. I know I am going to be doing some time reading my bathroom book today.

I know. That last one was a bit too much TMI for you.


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