Thursday, December 8

Oh Geez...

I have been sitting here staring at the screen for about 20 minutes now. Nothing comes to mind that I feel like sharing, or even trying to write about. I can't even get my mind to think of anything. I randomly glance around, hoping by seeing a random object, it will throw some kind of thought that will get things started....but it doesn't seem to be happening.

The Reverend Mother found the last item I needed to get for Christmas things. I rephrase that, the last item for the kids. I still need to find a couple more things for the Wife. I had searched several stores with no luck for this item, and somehow, she just happened to come across it while she was out yesterday.

I need to start checking the file size when I download/order books. I thought I had come across a couple newer ones from Stephen King a few days back, and so I downloaded hem to my Kindle. Turns out they  were both just novellas, so were very quick reads. I was happy at least I had not paid for them. But I need to check the file size, so in the future, I still don't make that mistake.


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