Friday, December 13

A Pathetic Grab Bag of Thoughts

I don't have anything really to write about today (do I ever) so I guess it is going to just some random stuff.

Today is Friday, the thirteenth. That means only 12 more days to spend all your money on gifts no one will care about in three weeks. Either that, or they will be eaten, digested, and flushed by then. Going a few years (and then some) I sort of remember vague things about my first Friday, the thirteenth. I was young (duh) and was just beginning to learn/understand superstitions, and whatnot. I was a little more observant about what was going on around me that day. Nothing bad happened, but I did stay away from mirrors and ladders. That I can ever recall, nothing has ever happened to me on these rare, dated Fridays, and I have been through quite a few.

Speaking of Christmas coming soon, I have not finished shopping. This weekend will be spent at the gift  card center of our local grocery, or maybe Walgreens, deciding which one to get for whom. I suck at trying to find gifts that a person would like. I hate shopping - even for myself. I'd just soon not get anything, than have to feel like I need to respond in kind with a gift. But it is another way to conform, I guess. People get their feelings hurt if they don't get something, and then I have to hear about it in some way, shape, or form.

Not sure what exactly our plans are for Christmas. Usually we end up doing our family, then the go to the MIL's, then to the Reverend Mother's, then home to rest. RM blogged this morning that she is thinking (not planning) to maybe do it differently this year, but I don't know. By the time we get to her place (I think around 11-12) I am beat. I feel cranky, tired, and just ready to end the day and go have a beer. Sure, I sort of like the looks of gladness (if any) when someone opens a gift they really like (if any). Sure, I like being together with family (sort of ... well ... ). If I was wasting a day of my week, I don't know if this would be my first choice of a way to do it. I mean, spending money on a bunch of presents, and traveling "all over the world" seemingly to get it everything to everyone .... sigh.

Have I mentioned before how much I don't care for holidays? Especially the commercial ones?

Now I am bummed out thinking about all that crap. I should go watch a movie or something.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

haha - what would you like to do for Christmas? Would you like dinner one evening that week - let's say Sunday evening - Dec 22nd so I have plenty of time to cook - and we can have our Christmas together then? Talk with Del and let me know. I want to be sensitive to you and your family and I know rushing about isn't fun.