Thursday, December 5

Getting A Bit Wonky Around Here

The next few days are going to be a bit weird for me. All because of work. Back at the beginning of October, the company I work for did their first ever inventory count. Now we are not a big parts warehouse like the manufacturers, but overall it took about 3 days to count our parts room, the technician trucks, and get the inventory in our computer system to a "more correct" number/valuation. Since that time, we have found some errors in processes that are creating either a false count, or even a negative inventory (when it isn't), thus, this weekend is another inventory.

As part of the Parts Dept., we are a bit essential to completing the count, plus control of the inventory. Personally, I know I complete the transfers (via computer and in person) of parts from the Parts room, to the technicians. Which boils down to I find that the inventory could be wrong when I see a zero or negative inventory in the system, but I physically pulled the part from the shelf. The numbers have been getting closer to a correct number, but is a slow process.

Either way, this morning I need to show up a couple hours early to complete my 'daily' parts pull so they can count the Parts room. Which mean I may be sitting around a couple extra hours this afternoon. Tomorrow, they say I will be able to pull parts for Monday and deliver them, but the techs are due in Saturday morning for truck inventory - so why am I delivering the parts when they can pick them up? I don't know. Something to talk to the Boss about today. Plus I don't know if they need me to assist on Saturday or not. Monday we have a mandatory insurance meeting for Open Enrollment - even though I opt out of the insurance they offer. That is going to make Monday a long day too.

I guess things could be worse. I could NOT have a job, and have to deal with these sort of problems.


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